Five Below Massage Gun Review

thumbnail Five Below Massage Gun


The popularity of massage guns is increasing day by day. The reason for its popularity can be explained by its comparison with professional massage therapists. They are effective in the way massage therapists are. They can also be used at home. You can use them on your own as well as whenever you are. These are some aspects that appointment-required massage therapists lack. 

Massage guns are also cheaper overall. Who wouldn’t like to come home from a tiring day and use a magic massage gun to relieve the stress of the day from their muscles? 

And, of course, finding the right massage gun can be such a bother. There are many things to consider. We have reviewed a product to help you in your search for a massage gun. The Five Below massage gun is analyzed with some considerations in mind.

Brand Five Below
Material Rubber
Power Source Battery Powered
Color Black
Special Feature Rechargeable 
Vibration Mode  3 Levels
Speed 2000-3600 RPM
Product Size 215mm x 170mm x 65mm
Pros Cons
It comes with two heads. It has a bad battery quality.
It has 3 levels you can adjust.  
It is effective when used.  
Removable heads make it easier to clean.  

How Does a Massage Gun Help?

You might be wondering how massage guns can be a cure for sore muscles, aches, etc. We would like to explain how they work, in other words, what is their secret to making you wash away the tiredness you feel after your busy day.

When it comes to cramps, backaches, stiffness, dull aches, sore muscles, and regional pain—things that are making a lot of people’s lives miserable every day—massage guns are a big help, as you can see if you look through various sources. Experts promote the idea that a massage can help you feel better. Furthermore, a massage gun can greatly assist women suffering from period cramps or complaining about cellulite.

You might be at a loss as to how a massage gun could be so effective at making you feel better. The alteration in blood flow explains the beneficial effect. A massage may speed up the healing process and reduce your pain because it does increase blood flow. The benefits of increased blood flow are numerous. Back pain and cramps might be less severe with significantly better blood flow.

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Features of Five Below Massage Gun


The first thing to look for in a massage gun is its efficiency. We buy them to cure our sore muscles and to get a good massage in the comfort of our own homes. So naturally, the initial criteria should be its effectiveness. 

How well does this gadget work? Will it be effective on my body? Will it prove to be useful? We should start with these questions before we even attempt to buy a massage gun. So, the question is: How efficient is the Five Below massage gun?

The Five Below massage gun can soothe your sore muscles after a heavy workout. It can cure your back aches after you’ve done an intense cleaning session or after some other heavy work that has strained your back. You may even get regional pain sitting in a chair for work. 

If you are tired of being in pain and not being able to make an appointment with your local massage therapist, you should consider getting an effective massage gun. And the Five Blow massage gun can definitely be the one for you. 

This massage gun can help accelerate recovery after excruciating exercise and ease dull aches and sore muscles. How does it work exactly? It delves deeper into your muscles, which will help to relieve any stiffness or tension as well as speed up the healing process by promoting blood circulation. 

However, you shouldn’t use this device without consulting your doctor first, as the best choice can be made with your doctor’s help.


Another important criterion to look for in a massage gun is whether or not it is durable. No one wants to invest in a machine that is prone to deteriorate. We want things for the long haul. Not only do we invest money in these products, but also we invest our time. 

Long story short, a product’s durability is essential when you are considering buying the said product. If you have a low budget and want something for the short term, you should still be aware of the product’s durability and longevity. 

This specific massage gun in question can be durable. The materials of the product are durable, however, the battery part may cause some problems to arise. 

Even though this gadget is cheaper than many other massage guns, we still spend a considerable amount of money on technological devices, and we should get one that can last us for a long time. If you can handle the battery problem- if it ever arises- the product’s longevity will keep you satisfied, in our opinion.

Some distributed products showed issues with their batteries, varying from having short battery life to not charging the second time. If you purchased the product and are sure that you have treated it with the utmost care any technological device should be treated, then we can completely blame the manufacturer and should contact them about this issue.


Five Below Massage Gun See the Price on Amazon

The quality of any kind of product is important since this is another indicator that points out the longevity of the product. The high-quality technology and materials show how the product will fare in the long term. 

It also signals how useful the product will be during the utilization part. When it comes to massage guns, the quality of each part is essential for the machine to work properly and show its effects. 

Low-quality products are more inclined to break or break down. They can even cause harm in the worst-case scenario. We’ve all heard about close proximity devices that are close to our body in any way blowing up. Even though these happenings and worst-case scenarios are less likely to happen with growing technological advancements, we should still be wary of low-quality gadgets. 

Having said that, this massage gun is a good quality product. Some distributed products of these massage guns show signs of having short battery life, which means the battery part of the product isn’t all that cracked up to be. However, the overall quality of the product is neat. 

The problem with the battery isn’t that serious, and most probably, the product sent to you won’t have these problems. If you get to send one, you can contact the manufacturer.

Why do some devices have bad battery life? The battery part is actually more expensive than any other part, and when you assemble everything, you may need to cut it off somewhere else. This usually happens when the product in question is low-cost. 

So, you are less likely to have these problems with more expensive products. Low-cost products can be good, but you may need to be extra careful not to agitate them. 

We would like to mention a few points on how to do that exactly. You shouldn’t use it for a long period of time at one go to prevent the motor from overheating. The second thing is that you mustn’t charge the device more than the required amount, any more can cause problems. Another thing is that you should do regular maintenance.

Ease of Use

Massage guns are usually bought so you can do what a massage therapist can do in the comfort of your home without paying a lot for one session. So, it is expected that the product should be easy to use. Also, you might want to use the product on your own, all the more reason for it to be easy to use. 

The massage gun comes with two massage heads; one is a bullet massage head and the other one is a round massage head. The handle of the product is ergonomic rubber making it easier to grab and complete your massage sessions. 

The massage heads are detachable, making it easy to clean and change them according to your needs. The detaching part of the job is also practical and doesn’t require a big effort. 

It has three vibration intensity levels, and adjusting the settings isn’t confusing. The instructions are clear, even if you may worry that you find them confusing. There’s a led speed indicator to help you keep tabs. It has a USB charging cable for ease of use. You will find this product easy to use, in our opinion.

Final Verdict

Massage guns are on the rise, and we all want to benefit from them. So we’re searching for a good one, and some of us are looking for one that also suits our budget. Five Below massage gun can meet the needs of many with its promising features. It is cheaper than its counterparts and functions well in terms of effectiveness. 

The only problem with the product is that you may encounter battery problems. You can prevent those issues even before they pop off with some of the tips we’ve given above. Even if they are not enough, it is still a solvable issue, and many low-cost devices have the same problems. Despite this situation, this massage gun is easy to use and durable. It’s worth giving it a shot.

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